Tennis Elbow
Not always associated with tennis, this condition occurs at the outside of our elbow joint.
It is caused by repetitive strain of the origin of the muscles that extend our wrist and fingers.
People classically describe pain and tenderness over the outside of the elbow and gripping objects tightly in that hand exacerbates the issue.
It can settle with physiotherapy and splinting but may need injections or, rarely, surgery.

Common Elbow Conditions
Golfer's Elbow
As with Tennis Elbow, Golfer's Elbow is not necessarily associated with a sport. It affects the inside of the elbow as opposed the the outside (Tennis Elbow)
People classically describe pain and tenderness over the inside of the elbow and gripping objects tightly in that hand exacerbates the issue.
It can settle with physiotherapy and splinting but may need injections or, rarely, surgery.

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
When we hit our 'funny bone', the sensitive area on the inside of the elbow, the reason we get an unpleasant electric shock-type sensation is because that is where out ulna nerve passes as it runs to the hand.
The 'cubital tunnel' within which the nerve runs at this level can become tight at various points for a variety of reasons.
Even though the issues occurs at the elbow people feel the symptoms in their hands, with pins and needles, discomfort and even numbness over their little finger. Grip strength can be weakened, in severe cases the hand can appear wasted compared to the other side.
Splinting and injections may provide symptom control but often I will recommend cubital tunnel release surgery.

Elbow Trauma
Firstly for anything acute please go to your nearest Accident and Emergency Department or Urgent Care Centre.
If it is less urgent and you are able to wait to come and see me then I can take a look, get up to date investigations and together we can work on getting you better with pain-free function as soon as possible

Elbow Instability
Our elbow is a hinge joint, enabling us to bend and straighten our arm. The hinge is reliant on strong ligaments on the inside and outside to keep it stable.
Often secondary to an injury, these can become lax or even torn. This can lead to a feeling of instability and my patients tell me they cant 'trust' their elbow not to give way in day to day activities. If left alone this instability may lead to early onset arthritis of the joint
Investigations such and Ultrasound or MRI may be useful.
It might be possible to rehabilitate the elbow by strengthening other muscles around it but occasionally stabilisation surgery may be necessary

Elbow Arthritis
Osteoarthritis of the elbow is relatively uncommon compared to hip and knee arthritis for example but can be no less debilitating to our quality of life.
People describe a slowly worsening stiffness and pain, often at the beginning of the day.
Physiotherapy and injections may be beneficial. If your pain is caused by debris within the worn out joint we could discuss keyhole surgery to clean it out and help with pain and movement.
There is such a thing as an 'Elbow Replacement'. This is extremely subspecialised surgery and, at present , not something I offer I'm afraid.